Recovering Yogi

The McYoga Sutras, Chapter 2: The Eight Limbs of McYoga

As recently published on In The McYoga Sutras, Chapter 1: Self Absorption, we introduced this four-chapter treatise outlining the keys to enlightenment. Here, for your yogic edification, is Chapter 2. The Eight Limbs transcend age, time, and culture, and send spiritual double-messages to our disciples.  They are intended to change the direction of your thinking […]


Introducing the McYoga Sutras!

A new year means I must find something new to be irreverent about.  Beginning in January, I have partnered with Recovering Yogi on a monthly series entitled The McYoga Sutras.  This is meant to be a guide for all of those aspiring to attain the coveted Rock Star Yogi Status.  Read On…… The McYoga Sutras, Chapter […]



As published on RecoveringYogi today: Many students used to ask me, “What does it mean to be an RYT or E-RYT?” The PC answer: “According to Yoga Alliance, the reported ‘professional’ organization for yoga instructors, these labels mean ‘Registered Yoga Teacher’ or ‘Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher,’ and if you have any interest in earning either of these […]


Yoga Bio Roast

As published on RecoveringYogi today: When we dig up our old teaching bios and deconstruct them to get to the truth of the matter. By Laura Riggs Laura began practicing yoga over ten years ago as a means of exercise after a knee injury while training for yet another race. (GAWD, I hated running, but […]


Yoga Intoxication

Published on: Let me start by commending all of you practitioners out there who are able to sustain an asana practice while under the influence of any one of the following substances:  alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, XTC, Quaaludes, or the occasional muscle relaxant (oh wait, I’ve done that! Under doctor’s orders, none the less). Now […]
